Monday, September 25, 2006

It Takes All Types

Yes, I realize this is my third post in a day.

I just have to get this out. It's good.

Some person ended up at my blog after typing the following question into Netscape : "What does GOD say about IUI and IVF?"

So many things wrong with that. Not the least of which is, who the hell uses Netscape as their search engine?

Also, the question itself bugs me. What did this person expect to find? A passage in the bible? "Whilst though haseth thine IVF, thou shalt spite me".

Are there people who think they're infertile because God wants them that way? I don't want to go down the religion route's a volatile subject, to say the least, and people have VERY strong feelings about it. I, however, do not. So I'll leave all things religious to you good people. Do I believe in God? I'm not sure. But I get a pretty strong feeling that He exists every time I look The Buggins in the eye.

Ok, but here's the best part! Guess where this web surfer landed when he/she searched for God's answer on IUI's and IVF? (S)he landed on my post about dancing bi-sexual slutty virgins! HAHAHAHAHAH


Rumour Miller said...

That's funny and sad at the same time.

Not going to get involved in a debate about God... he exists for me but not in the typical "catholic" way that I was taught.

Kellie said...

Oh yeah, you gotta love stats.

Wanna hear sad? I get MORE hits from people searching for "granny panties" than for anything else... including hits from people who regularly read my blog.

Oh, and now that's I've said "granny panties" twice in your comments... I'm hoping to share just a little bit of that love.

Lyrehca said...

I know there are specific religions that say specific things about infertility treatments, but honestly, the first thing I thought of when I read your post is to say "Thank God it worked" when I think of IUI or IVF. And similarly, to curse appropriately if it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. Yeah, I get lots of weird google hits- gotta love the guys coming (mostly from france, what's up with that) looking for the leggy, busty women.

beagle said...

God is great, it's his judgemental followers that get me.

Funny about the search engine bit.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Well, I wonder if upon landing on your blog they thought, "Gee I wonder what God thinks about the dancing bi-sexual slutty virgins?"

Krista said...

I think this is hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh in what has otherwise been a pretty stressful day.

Sorry about the day 1, they suck every damn time.

BeckyZ said...

I'm waiting for day 1 so I can start my IVF cycle--even though I'm excited about starting, I'm also bracing for the inevitable disappointment that goes hand-in-hand with Aunt Flo...

as for God, I'm sure he approves of slutty bisexual virgins...if he didn't, he wouldn't have made 'em ;)

Serenity said...

too freaking funny! I can imagine that person was SHOCKED to see a post about bi-sexual slutty virgins! :)

Alli and Frankie said...

OMG(osh). That is hilarious! Almost as funny as Kellie writing about her granny panties and now getting all kinds of traffic for it. LMAO.

BigP's Heather said...

Nice! You gotta love google.

hope548 said...

That's frickin hilarious!

A said...

Good lord you're funny!! Hahaha!

Kir said...

that is so funny, I am LMAO!!!!

sometimes life is not so ironic is it?

soralis said...

That's too funny!

Whenever I hear something about God and IVF it reminds me of an Infertilty support group meeting I went to when going through our primary IVF. We had just had our second failed IVF cycle. I had just spilled my guts then this gal sitting beside me says "I have secondary infertility but I would NEVER go through IVF as I am a catholic". (Gee I wonder why I had issues with secondary IF'ers until I got to be one too! :) ) Anyway I hope the poor soul that was searching for that found a good answer and some peace about their decision if that's what they were looking for.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I have been kind of journeying through blogs on infertility -- largely because Julia of 'Hippogrifes' knocks my socks off. I have also been making my way through blogs about people adopting from China and International Adoptees who disagree with children being taken from their native cultures. I go a lot of places that don't really apply to me because there are a lot of touching and amazing people to encounter.

My various journeys have educated me in many ways. I am more aware of how dismissive we can be with one another. Just today, a very nice neighbor lady who is 85 and admirable said something I believe now is really offensive. She asserted that if God didn't want you to have a baby you should just accept that. I didn't challenge her, I have thought very stupid things myself. If I were to challenge that statement I would ask if God created you handicapped in any way that had a possibility of medical intervention would it make any sense at all to just accept your limitations as God's will. What a bizarre expectation. At the same time I looked at this very kind woman and realized why she said what she did, and why I think and perhaps cruelly say things of the same ilk. I think it is very hard to touch another person's pain. All of us have some suffering place. Even more difficult is the suffering our loved ones experience. It is so hard to have someone we love suffer and be unable to do anything but be there for them.

I think that those dismissive attitudes are just a protection from some suffering that we do not have to endure. I want to push away any pain that I can. I don't read about crimes against children or a number of other things in the news because there is nowhere to go with that emotion. Maybe that refusal to acknowledge is a way to not become consumed with the enormous and expanding scope of tragic information we are engulfed in every day.

I have behaved as if this were my blog with my rambling, I am sorry. Your thoughtful and discerning posts are too tempting to wander in!